Playing in the winter, playing with bracelets


Winter is relatively cold, because of the large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, for wooden bracelets, Bodhi bracelets, it is easy to cause cracking when you are not careful. So how do you prevent cracking in the winter?

Wooden bracelet

In the winter, the climate is drier, the outdoor is dry, the wind is high, the temperature is extremely low, and the indoor heating temperature is very high, between 18-20 degrees Celsius, and it is more dry. These are not conducive to the storage of bracelets, and it is easy to crack if not careful, especially the newly purchased beads, the higher the density, the greater the oiliness, the more easily cracked.

Newly entered bracelets, don't open the package outside when you get it, go back home, it is best to open the package after one day, check the quality and put it back in the sealed bag. Had a breath before the seal, put it for a day or two and then start playing. Normally, it’s okay to play and play, but you need to go into the bag immediately, and don’t forget to moisturize.


There is a jargon in the wenwan circle called "Summer (hot days) touch up, winter (cold days) glazing." It is said that the spring and summer seasons start from the southeast, bringing warm and humid airflow, high humidity, and the common moisturizing of the body's sweat and oil. The beads are painted very fast and the color is even.

In autumn and winter, most cities in the north are typical continental monsoon climates. In the autumn and winter, the northwest wind is blowing, cold, and very dry. At this time, the beads are basically not moisturized and the coloring is slow. That is to say, the beads that need to be colored or the beads that have not yet reached the color of your psychological requirements, such as King Kong, Eichhornia, etc., as well as the beads you can't take, you need to start maintenance.

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