Want to change underwear during menstruation? Menstrual period have special underwear it?

Do not mess with women, bloody seven days a month, but not dead creatures, there is Guards on this planet. "It can be seen that" Auntie "is better for women than Aunt Aunt! Beautiful, healthy women benefit from their normal endocrine regulation; give birth to the next generation; and even allow women to detect the disease early.

Recently, a beauty cried to Xiao Qian because of menstrual chest pain.

The original text is as follows, "Do not know when to begin, every chest will chest pain before the beginning of every holiday, did not pay attention to the beginning, in recent months more and more serious.

I began to be a bit scared, I thought I had any illnesses and went to see a doctor. The doctor said that it was a syndrome of menstrual period and needed active treatment. Otherwise, it would cause other diseases and I would be scared to hear it.


According to Xiao Qian understand

Breast pain with physiological and pathological points, women with premenstrual pain and tenderness is normal, if the symptoms are severe or irregular and there are some cases of breast mass, it is pathological, then Need to go to the hospital's surgery or breast specialist B ultrasound and molybdenum target inspection and so on for diagnosis and treatment.

In order to make the crush who are suffering from chest pain during menstruation, now Xiao Qian and share with you some remedies for menstrual breast pain:

1, to avoid liver qi stagnation, diet should be light, rest time should be normal, do not stay up all night.

2, to prepare a clean hot towel, and the salt water into the pot of warm water, the towel into the water, soak for a while, apply directly to the breast, such as massage, will achieve a multiplier effect.

3, the soap smear on the breast, hand massage along the surface of the breast rotation.

4, during menstruation, there will be some slight changes in the breast, then best to wear freshman bra, to prevent the bra under pressure ophthalmic nerve. Xi Sisier's new graceful new series is very suitable for wear at this time, healthy no rims, comfortable and unfettered, allowing you to spend these days easily and happily.


Tips: women are best equipped with a number of menstrual underwear, menstrual period, the sanitary napkin will be attached to the underwear, if not clean, in the absence of sanitary napkin attached to the lower body skin contact may lead to gynecology disease.

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