The meaning of Kashmir sapphire

Do you know the meaning of Kashmir sapphires? Kashmir sapphire, English name KashmirSapphire.

Sapphire symbolizes loyalty, steadfastness, love and honesty, and the English name is Sapphire. Starlight Sapphire is also known as the "stone of destiny", which can protect the wearer's safety and make people lucky. Sapphire is a high-end gemstone. It is one of the top five gemstones. It is ranked third after diamonds and rubies. The star sapphire, known as the "stone of destiny", has many fascinating legends. Its three stars represent "loyalty, hope and fraternity." Orientals believe that wearing sapphire can protect people from sin and bring good luck. The world of gemology defines sapphire as the birthstone of September. The Japanese chose it as a precious souvenir for the 23rd anniversary of marriage (sapphire) and the 26th anniversary (star sapphire). It is known as the "sister gem" with rubies. Like rubies, sapphire has a hardness of 9, second only to diamonds, and is therefore extremely hard.

There are not many world sapphire producing areas, mainly Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Australia, China, etc., but in terms of gem quality, Myanmar and Sri Lanka have the best quality. Kashmir Sapphire in India: The "corner" sapphire in the Kashmir region has always been hailed as the best of the sapphire. It is a sturdy, purple-toned, rich blue color that gives a velvety look. It has been extensively mined since 1861 and has been stopped after a century. Therefore, this sapphire is very precious in the world.

It has also become an indispensable accessory in the crown of the British Empire, the Crown of the Russian Tsar and the dress with diamonds and pearls. Since the gemstones entered the folklore in the past 100 years, sapphire has been among the top five precious stones in the world, and it is a jewel variety that people cherish. The blue tones of sapphire vary widely, from near-colorless micro-blue to almost opaque black-blue. The best color is the transparent micro-purple purple dark blue, sparkling with velvet-like brilliance, which is very charming.

The above introduces the story and significance behind the Kashmir sapphire. How much do you know?

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